A Facebook page, Center for Medical Genomics, shared research by Dr. Nabin K Shrestha and the Cleveland Clinic's Department of Infectious Diseases that show the result claimed that the risk of infection with COVID-19 has a direct variation in the number of mRNA vaccination doses. In other words, the risk of COVID-19 disease will be even higher for people with more mRNA doses. And those who received three or more doses of the vaccine had a six-fold increase in the risk of infecting COVID-19 compared to those who were not vaccinated. The post was shared widely and published on various news websites in Thailand as well.

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Fact Crescendo found that the research referred to in the article was unpublished and unverified. And the result was newly created and has yet to be assessed in academic procedures. Therefore, it should not be used as a guideline for treatment.

Statement from the Ministry of Public Health

Ministry of Public Health has pointed out in the above article that "the information from the US research stating that multiple mRNA vaccinations increase risk COVID-19 infection is still lack of credibility, not yet accepted for publication, lack of analysis and summary of relevant epidemiological data, risk behaviors and prevention of diseases affecting the infection. Importantly, it cannot be used in Thailand due to different situations and measures. The ministry also emphasized that at least four doses of vaccination four months apart can reduce the chance of infection, serious illness, and death rates.

Notes from Global Sources

Apart from the Thai authority, an international source, News Medical, has also commented on this research paper. The source noted that "The study has certain limitations. For example, individuals with previously unrecognized infections might have been misclassified, underestimating the bivalent vaccine's protective benefits. Additionally, those receiving the bivalent vaccine were more likely to get tested on symptom appearance, which leads to a disproportionate detection of infections."

Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, tweeted the significant difference in COVID death rate of those with a vaccine, with a vaccine and a booster, and without a vaccine:

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Furthermore, according to the global data from Our World in Data, the statistics show that the death rates of the unvaccinated are significantly higher than the vaccinated.

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The research paper presented above has yet to be verified and cannot be used for clinical procedures. Moreover, according to global statistics and approved research, the benefits of vaccination outweigh the known potential risk (more details here), and both domestic and international health organizations highly recommend people get the full primary dose of the Covid-19 vaccine and booster dose as available in each area. Furthermore, according to the global data from Our World in Data, the statistics show that the death rates of the unvaccinated are significantly higher than the vaccinated.


Title:Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health confirms the research about booster shots increasing Covid-19 risk is irrelevant

By: Cielito Wang

Result: Explainer