In the present era of continuous technological advancements and information, scammers are constantly devising new methods to deceive individuals and appear more trustworthy. One prevalent form of scam is the deceptive job application, specifically targeting job seekers. These scammers impersonate members of the HR or recruiting department from well-known companies, with the intention of tricking victims into providing personal information, including their assets.

Social Media Post

We have received a notification from our LINE Fact-Check Channel regarding a suspicious message being sent to people through WhatsApp. The message claims to be from a recruiter at JobsDB company.

Upon receiving the information mentioned above, Fact Crescendo Thailand contacted JobsDB for further clarification. JobsDB confirmed that the company has not contacted or offered any job positions through WhatsApp as described.

Also, JobsDB has explicitly stated on their website that, "JobsDB would like to assure all job seekers that we do not collect money or contact job seekers through LINE or any social media platforms. If you come across any impostor groups claiming to be representatives or agents of JobsDB, falsely promising to arrange part-time jobs and requesting advance payment for processing fees, please be aware that this is not true. If you have any doubts, please feel free to email us at [email protected]."

When we searched for more information about the scammers claiming to be recruiters contacting people through WhatsApp, we discovered that several well-known companies have issued warnings. These warnings are in response to individuals who falsely use the company's name to deceive others. For example, you can find more information here and here.

How Recruiting Scammers Work

Offer unsolicited job proposals: Scammers may contact you through WhatsApp and offer attractive job positions that may seem trustworthy at first glance.

Lack of verification information: It is possible that some individuals who contact you via WhatsApp may not have a profile picture or may use a picture of someone from the internet. Furthermore, they may not provide any additional contact information, even if they claim to be a business account.

Example of a profile falsely claiming to be from JobsDB: It is evident that there are no additional details about the company, and the business category in the description is "Automotive Service". However, JobsDB is an online job search website.

Request for Personal Information and Advance Fee Payment: Scammers may ask for sensitive personal information, such as a national identification number, social security number, bank account details, or copies of identification documents. They may also request advance payment, citing it as a fee for processing, training documents, or other associated expenses.

Tips for staying informed and protecting yourself from scammers

Research on the company details: Before deciding to join any company, it is important to thoroughly research the details of the company you are applying. This includes checking the company's website and contact information to ensure compliance with the law. Verify if the information matches the contact person provided.

Beware of unexpected proposals: Exercise caution when receiving job offers that you did not apply for, especially if the applicant claims to offer unusually high compensation or if the job seems too good to be true.

Verify the job vacancies: If you have received a job offer, verify it by contacting the company directly through their official website or the contact information provided.

Protecting Personal Data: Do not disclose sensitive personal information, such as identification numbers, social security numbers or banking details, to individuals or companies that are unfamiliar.

Do not transfer money to the recruiter: Legitimate job openings will not require applicants to make upfront payments or transfer money through unfamiliar methods, such as WhatsApp.

Read an article about scams that we have fact-checked here.

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Title:Scam alert! WhatsApp scammers impersonating famous companies' recruiters.

Written By: Cielito Wang

Result: False