Recently, a video claiming to showcase the phenomenon of "Ball Lightning" has been making rounds on social media platforms. This video has captured significant interest from online audiences.

Social Media Posts

The video in question shows a glowing orb, seemingly floating and moving in an unpredictable trajectory. It’s been shared widely on platforms with captions claiming it to be a real-life instance of ball lightning. The video has garnered thousands of views, and reactions, with many users expressing awe and curiosity.

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However, upon examination, we've found that the video is edited.

Fact Check

Is Ball Lightning Real?: Yes, Ball Lightning is a real phenomenon. Even though it's rare and still a mystery to science, it has been observed. Ball lightning is described as a glowing, spherical object that comes in various sizes, from as small as a pea to several meters in diameter. It often occurs in conjunction with thunderstorms.

Is the mentioned video actual Ball Lightning?: After investigating the origin of the video using the Reverse Image Search feature, we found that the video is a Computer Generated Image (CGI), created by YouTube user Andrei Trukhonovets in 2019. The creator clearly labeled the content as CGI in the video title and further confirmed in the description below the clip, stating "Yes, it was made with my pc”.

In addition to this video, the user has also created and uploaded a UFO video, demonstrating more of their graphic work. You can view the video here.


While ball lightning is a real natural phenomenon, the viral video circulating is a fabrication. It's not an actual recording of this rare event, but rather a product of CGI. So, although ball lightning does exist, the viral video does not accurately depict this rare and intriguing phenomenon.

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Title:Is The "Ball Lightning" Video A Real Event Or Just Edited?

Fact Check By: Cielito Wang

Result: False